Explore the World of American Sign Language, Part 2


This workshop teaches American Sign Language (ASL) communication fundamentals through interactive exercises. Participants will learn fingerspelling, basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational techniques while gaining a deeper appreciation for deaf culture. Presented by Shenyiah Fuller, Shequetta Gravely, and Ruth Bieri-Ferguson. A Zoom link will be sent upon registration. Part 2 of 2 Shenyiah Fuller is a second-year […]

Explore the World of American Sign Language, Part 1


This workshop teaches American Sign Language (ASL) communication fundamentals through interactive exercises. Participants will learn fingerspelling, basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational techniques while gaining a deeper appreciation for deaf culture. Presented by Shenyiah Fuller, Shequetta Gravely, and Ruth Bieri-Ferguson. A Zoom link will be sent upon registration. Part 1 of 2 Shenyiah Fuller is a second-year […]

Grant Writing Meat & Potatoes


During our first workshop, Grant Writing 101, we covered the basics of a grant proposal including need, research, proposal outlines, and finding the right funding source. Now, our presenter will take a deep dive into the grant writing process, examine RFP's, and look at actual proposals that were successful. We will also discuss ethics in […]

Intro to Aeroponic Gardening at Home


DIY Aeroponic Gardening. Learn how easy it is to grow your own fruits and vegetables year round in your home aeroponically, and some other locations where aeroponic gardens are popping up. This workshop is perfect for anyone who wants to grow at home but doesn’t know how to get started and teachers looking for extra […]

What is a Micro-Credential?


Join staff from the Radford University IMPACT Lab as we learn all about micro-credentials. We will dive into competency-based education (CBE) and why these credentials are important to modern professional development. Presented by Lisa Thompson Lisa is the Development Director with IMPACT Lab and has been with the program since its inception. The Vinod Chachra IMPACT […]

Bird ID Skills: Hawks & Raptors


How many times have you seen a raptor on a fencepost or passing overhead and wondered what it was? Raptors are a great group of birds to learn because they're so visible on the landscape and awe inspiring. Many beginner birders get confused when they see a dark shadow passing over or something perched on […]

Fishing Southside Virginia: Part 1


Join local outdoorsman and nature enthusiast, Jacob Taylor, to learn all about fishing in Southside Virginia. Participants will learn where to fish, regulations including licenses, common fish identification, and tactics to use. Part 1 will be a virtual introduction while Part 2 will be held in person to learn knot tying, lure and bait rigging, […]

Grant Writing 101


Have you ever thought about writing a grant but didn't know where to start? This workshop will dive into the fundamentals of grant writing to raise funds. This workshop is geared for beginners but all are welcome. We will cover research tips, finding appropriate funding sources, basic proposal elements, and a bit about budget. Must […]